I've been a huge fan of Crypt World since I played it in 2016. The atmosphere of the game is akin to magic, giving me an experience unlike any other piece of media I have consumed. Having played Crypt Underworlds, I can safely say that it is no different. In fact, it is so much grander.
I'll get my only gripe out of the way; I figured that the nice lighting from earlier versions being removed was due to optimization, but the game does not hold the same atmosphere without it. I have no idea if it would be a difficult task to have a settings toggle for the lighting on startup, but that would be a nice compromise. Don't feel like you have to though, as you have already worked hard enough. I mean that.
That being said, getting around is a lot easier. Especially moving vertically. The item equip and leveling system is so weird yet perfectly in place with the world. I love how you can find (most of) these items in so many locations; that contributes to the freedom well. It also allows for so many fun little secrets to be hidden around the place.
Areas feel packed with stuff to see. So many areas, models, little doo-dads to just gaze at. I seriously admire how much effort went into every little thing. I love the text too. I rarely interact with every little thing in a game, but I do here because it somehow manages to be varied despite there being tons of text.
I just want to say more and more but at the same time I don't feel like I have the right words for it. Thank you and the rest of the people who contributed to this gigantic project. Very rarely do games stay in development for this long and show that it was worth the wait. This is one of them.
yeah the changes with lighting are unfortunate, i am going to work on updates for another week or so then take a break for awhile, but before i take off i'm going to take a day to restore the lighting + materials of the original version as an optional 'bedazzled' build, so keep an eye out for that by next week.
i really appreciate it- so much time was spent just zooming in the unity camera continuously piling on more dense junk on every surface- making all the models and doing that took up a ridiculous amount of the developmenttime, but im glad it sounds like the dense wonderland of junk to piss on came alive for you. i hope to do more updates eventually just to add more goofy bits, collectible junk, and broken out of bounds areas onto the heap...
The dark doorway in the center of the bottom level of the museum can glitch out if you have a leveled-up arm equipped. I think mine was level 5? It flickers rapidly like you're entering/exiting the door repeatedly.
This tiny traintrack door in the upper level of the Undermall leads to "[]", a room of total darkness. The menu doesn't show when inside this room, so I had to restart.
i uploaded a new build that should fix both of these, let me know if you try- you may need to start a new save file due to additions in the equipment system tho
I've just finished the game after a week of playing through it. It's such a fun game that keeps delivering and giving enjoyment looking around everywhere. Absolute gem.
you made something really cool here, this is top of the aimless garbage beholding experience simulator class. i want to say it feels like it was made for me but that would be cheap, so much spirit obviously went into this and its a very special artifact, more than worth the wait
possible bug: any time i have encountered a warp or door that leads to a sheep area i am warped to the museum. im also not certain if the infinite piss mask is working, since my piss meter still seems to drain.
do you have the most recent build? i think secret sheep city should be fixed as of yesterday, but if its the most recent one still i'll look into it. not sure what could be going on with the mask but i'll check on that as well before next version i upload
The chaotic space with a large number of colorful tiles installed was one of the most impressive.
Especially in a very large space like the starting point, I was able to feel more chilling and fear-like emotions as various unknown things appeared in my field of vision at once due to the sense of perspective.
My gameplay was terminated due to 3D sickness and frequent error failures in the middle of the game, but I would like to conquer this world someday.
i think i found a bug, I closed the game with 2 of the golden dracula statues found, and when I reopened the game and destroyed a 3rd, the game said I had only destroyed one, and the other statues were still gone.
i'm not sure if this effects the games actual track of the destroyed statues either since idk where all of them are lol, so it may make "reviving dracula" impossible unless all statues are destroyed in one go, or it just means the text box counter resets but the sequence still works. idk
i just posted a new build, i tested it by quitting and restarting at various points with diff dracs, and it seems to all work now- if its still giving you trouble let me know, sorry bout thatt
This has been one of my most anticipated games for some time, and it's exceeding my expectations. I'm really enjoying the exploration, atmosphere, and scale.
thank you, i appreciate it!! also if you are referring to the undermall basement, it may be shocking, but it serves to illustrate the archaeologist lifecycle.. they spontaneously generate from ruins, the lore maestros claim...
Game appears to consistently freeze when throwing bombs (currently level 6) in certain regions. I've experienced it so far in the homoculus room, and the section beside it. This, however, may also apply to other crowded regions, of course.
yeah i think this might be the basis of a handful of the errors ive run into, im not really sure what it is since it doesnt return an error in editor or in the logs but i noticed the same with the 'pit' area which had bomb-throwing characters and would inexplicably crash, and i think this might be why. i hadn't been able to find anything consistent about those crashes though so this helps a lot, i'll try and figure out what exactly is at the base of it
i messed with it some, let me know- in crowded rooms it'll probably still have some slowdown but i got crashes to stop on my end at least, so if there's anything causing problems still i'll keep at it. it's a bit weaker- i might boost the damage the bombs do at lower levels although they're still good for clearing lots of small objects
what issues are you experiencing? after playing with it awhile i havent seen anything glitchy with the arms so far, which gives me the impression its probably something weirdly specific. anyway sorry about problems but hopefully can pinpoint it soon
ill try and post another build before the nights out- i managed to fix the first, the player isn't effected by the conveyor belt now, i don't know how i forgot about it but you're not supposed to stick to it, it's only because i'm using a physics-enabled player now.. there's a lot of things in this game i added years ago and just forgot about or only now realize don't play nice with newer things i've added since, so uh sorry about that!!
as far as the area transitions, is it only ones with teleporters? like the UFO or Pit or stuff? if so its probably just cuz the arms makes your characters trigger collider bigger, so the distance you spawn works fine if it's a normal size but not if you are already touching the teleport- if not i'll have to take a closer look, but i'll try to solve for the first part at least.
The game is really, REALLY good! Been absolutely loving it so far, I think this is absolutely a worthy successor to Crypt Worlds!
Although, to offer some constructive criticism/suggestions for QoL features:
1.Being able to level down your items would be really nice, as at a certain point, items like the trampoline and boost become near unusable due to them just sending you flying out of the map. Maybe you could trade away levels in exchange for Gold and/or other resources? I feel like any way of controlling levels would be nice, really.
2.This is a MUCH smaller one compared to the above, but having Run be a toggle instead of a hold would be very nice, especially when using a controller.
You don't have to implement these, but they'd be really nice. Good job on getting this sucker out after all this time, but don't rush yourself with updates!
SO much fun, i really love the out-of-bounds warp secrets!! my only issue currently is that certain objects (bodybags especially) create an EXTREMELY loud sound when piss hits them. adding a cooldown timer to object damage sounds would probably fix this. at some points it got so bad my sound fried out for several seconds
OH another thing i ran into-- when pissing on the ancient tulip, it would often send me skyrocketing into the air, with no way to get down. warping to the apartment or using a coffin doesn't reset your velocity, so i would continue flying into a crazy direction for minutes.
the sound should be fixed, i need to figure out how to set a max velocity or something but that shouldnt be too hard, ill try to figure it out before i stop working on it
Adoring this game so far. I appreciate the change to the lightning, it makes everything easier to take it while still keeping that distinct visual chaos of Crypt Underworlds. Genuinely, it's beautiful. And all of its mechanics really do add on to the collect-a-thon zen of Crypt Worlds. I'm obsessed. <33
One thing that's happening, 'The Pit' (Dendygar's special place found at the back of the arcade) is consistently crashing for me and I'm unsure why (I load in, can play for a little bit, then crash and force close with no error. Thankfully, I can use a photo before the crash, so no softlock. I love that it auto-saves right before crashing, brilliant work. I'm using the latest CryptUnderworld PC build, running Windows 10 latest update. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080, if any of that helps. ^^;).
Also, yeah, I also can't open the esc menu. I see the cursor flash on the screen but nothing else. Thankfully, ALT+F4 saves and quits just fine.
Does this game produce a crash dump file anywhere that I could send to you?
I can tell this is a really HUGE project, so in the grand scope of things these issues are pretty small taters. You did it! You made a game of this kind of size! I'm proud of ya'll <3
Can you please let us turn down some of the sound effects, i think there is a bug where the audio resets every time a sound action is preformed so you get this hellish screeching instead of a smooth loop, otherwise it's a really cool looking game and the atmosphere is interesting
First off, THIS GAME IS SO GODDAMN AMAZING. Unfathomable amounts of content and level space for something that's free, and all the secrets and jokes in the game are fantastic. I've played through a majority of the entire game and I've finished it, I've gotten to Omphalos and gotten the infinite piss mask.
I do have some complaints though, my biggest one being that it is WAY TOO EASY TO GET SENT OUT OF BOUNDS. I'm chilling in the arcade level and this hat-wearing worm thing throws some bombs at me AND I IMMEDIATELY GO FUCKIN FLYING OUT INTO SPACE, which of course, is mildly frustrating at best, but with the way the game works, it's worse than it should be. In short, I don't entirely mind getting thrown out of the map, but the consequences are massive. First off, your progress in that level is forfeit. Unless you can somehow use the trampoline and the boost to put yourself back within the level bounds at a speed low enough that you don't just go through the floor, you will have to be transported to a different level. Secondly, and most frustratingly, your momentum gets saved when you transfer levels, SO EVEN IF YOU GO TO ANOTHER LEVEL, YOU'RE JUST GONNA GET SENT RIGHT BACK OUT OF BOUNDS AGAIN, which is extremely frustrating. This can really fuck with you when you're transported to the 'Below Water' level, since the water plane that covers the level is so thin that it's extremely easy to fall right through it. This has happened to me on numerous occasions, and while it's not a complete softlock, it's really frustrating to deal with. If you could fix this, I PROMISE YOU I WILL PLAY THE ENTIRE GAME AGAIN, BECAUSE I LOVE THIS GAME.
Side note: It fuckin hurt to read that "you won the game" sign cause I haven't found everything yet! The infinite piss mask is a giant reward though, that's so awesome.
I've tried to play the game, but currently I'm noticing differences between mine and other people's playthroughs- and it seems the menu is bugged, and refuses to open. Also, it seems like there's no lighting in the game. I recently saw a video from a while ago of a youtuber playing the game, and there was extremely atmospheric lighting- however I do not have any lighting on my end at all. I don't know exactly what to do to fix that- Any advice? From what I've seen of it, it looks like a very good game!
this version only got posted yesterday. if you see any streams or videos of it its a much earlier version that was part of a donation pack i think. Lilith mentioned on twitter that lighting is disabled right now because of optimization.
Absolutely loving the game so far, I've played for 6+ hours. Main glitches I've found so far that I don't see in the comments: -Permanently stuck now so that if I put on the torso item from the locked 75 key room next door to my apartment it starts continuously producing piss homunculi. Unequipping doesn't stop this, only reloading the game does (which unequips the item). It didn't start until after I found the secret treasure room across from floor 100. It's pretty funny but also usually causes the game to crash from rapid secretion of pissbabies :( -Idk if tears/relics/piss upgrades/wallet upgrades are supposed to respawn each day (as in they respawn in the places you can collect them from like the locked security room on floor 100). If they are, then ignore this. Otherwise note that they regen every day cycle so I can just keep collecting them. -Can't figure out if I'm supposed to have a way to save quests/keep them visible on the inventory page. I'll get what I think is a quest (like the drac 5 golden statues one) and see it on my inventory page for like a few minutes, but the moment I click on something else it disappears from the inventory screen.
Please let me know if there is a better way to contact you about bugs (I'm tech inept and just aware of this itch page as a place to comment cause I don't have twitter), and please don't take this as in any way I'm saying the game is bad because of these things. I adore it.
Items that produce the green hand sign, but I can't interact with: -black die near the toy store -egg in the dark lounge.
Items that produce the yellow piss symbol, but pissing does nothing to: -Shiny portal thing in the ground next to the mainframes (on the base area of the apartments, but the highest point of the area) -Coffee machines
I didn't include NPCs without dialogue because you said that a bunch were left in accidentally. But if you ever patch all that I'll go back to check all the ones I can.
-the egg and coffee machine just dont do anything yet but the dice should be tagged correctly now
-the shiny portal thing also i need to add an event to but does nothing yet
-havent figured out what the deal with the torso is yet
-the quest system basically just tells you the current 'rumor' configuration that day, every day it resets and there's a new rumor. the game day is in 12 hours, and after that it just moves forward a day and the stuff reloads. stuff like the golden draculas doesnt get logged anywhere.
-a lot of stuff does just regen, usually relics and equipment don't but there are several relics that do respawn, so if you have any specific instances you're unsure about feel free to send them my way
i just uploaded a new windows build and will put up other os builds before sleep, let me know if youre still having trouble with some of this, i think some of this stuff should be fixed, a lot of other random things are so lemme know
if you have more bugs you can send them to rusalkamask@gmail.com
most of the stuff other than just places i need to add stuff should be fixed now, equipment that wasnt supposed to respawn was doing it some places, also several items gave you ridiculous amounts of piss by accident and the way the torso works, every time you consume something it adds to a variable and once its over 100 it spawns a baby cryptguy and subtracts 100, so if it ended up being like 100,000 piss it would just keep spawning them, there might be a few items still that do this but mostly seems cleared up altho you still might need to start a new save if they're still spawning. ill keep an eye out for more but ive solved most of these bugs at least in the latest build
in the piss maniac guild, if you piss against a specific spot behind the first toilet, the text freaks out and the piss upgrades just- stays there. You can just sit there and spam click the upgrade untill it stops responding, go out of the room, come back in, and do it again.
My piss level is 128 and it hits like a shotgun.
Oh also I've been having issues where some npcs don't have dialog, but I didn't know if that was intentional.
yeah some npcs i just flat out forgot about lol, i'm trying to go over it more scene-by-scene and touch up that stuff so hopefully i'll have more to show soon.
i theoretically like the idea of the infinite piss glitch but yeah the inability to scale it down mixed with the lag seems unfortunate, i've had mixed feelings because having a level cap of like 10 or something would feel like such a let-down but in practice higher lvls can make the game get rly sluggish, idk i guess perfect dark got away with it but i've been unsure what the best option with this sort of thing is
Honestly, maybe a level cap would be good but It's also fun to have the chance to have 128 level shot gun piss. I dunno if it would be possible, but maybe you could make a piss level cap optional? I love the what you've done so far with the npcs btw, my favorite is the pair that shares of a love of murder and snacks.
If there was any way to make it so you could choose what number certain things were capped at, or where you could be able to lose levels if it got to be too extreme, that would be good. Sacrificed enough relics to make my skirt level 6 but now it's fairly unusable because I'll just clip out of the ceiling sometimes. So it's not just a piss issue.
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I've been a huge fan of Crypt World since I played it in 2016. The atmosphere of the game is akin to magic, giving me an experience unlike any other piece of media I have consumed. Having played Crypt Underworlds, I can safely say that it is no different. In fact, it is so much grander.
I'll get my only gripe out of the way; I figured that the nice lighting from earlier versions being removed was due to optimization, but the game does not hold the same atmosphere without it. I have no idea if it would be a difficult task to have a settings toggle for the lighting on startup, but that would be a nice compromise. Don't feel like you have to though, as you have already worked hard enough. I mean that.
That being said, getting around is a lot easier. Especially moving vertically. The item equip and leveling system is so weird yet perfectly in place with the world. I love how you can find (most of) these items in so many locations; that contributes to the freedom well. It also allows for so many fun little secrets to be hidden around the place.
Areas feel packed with stuff to see. So many areas, models, little doo-dads to just gaze at. I seriously admire how much effort went into every little thing. I love the text too. I rarely interact with every little thing in a game, but I do here because it somehow manages to be varied despite there being tons of text.
I just want to say more and more but at the same time I don't feel like I have the right words for it. Thank you and the rest of the people who contributed to this gigantic project. Very rarely do games stay in development for this long and show that it was worth the wait. This is one of them.
yeah the changes with lighting are unfortunate, i am going to work on updates for another week or so then take a break for awhile, but before i take off i'm going to take a day to restore the lighting + materials of the original version as an optional 'bedazzled' build, so keep an eye out for that by next week.
i really appreciate it- so much time was spent just zooming in the unity camera continuously piling on more dense junk on every surface- making all the models and doing that took up a ridiculous amount of the developmenttime, but im glad it sounds like the dense wonderland of junk to piss on came alive for you. i hope to do more updates eventually just to add more goofy bits, collectible junk, and broken out of bounds areas onto the heap...
Two small bugs
i have these both fixed now, i'll make sure to upload it tomorrow
i uploaded a new build that should fix both of these, let me know if you try- you may need to start a new save file due to additions in the equipment system tho
Delightful and wonder inspiring. Haven't found an end if there is one, but my boy drac is safe and that's all that matters.
You made magic outta piss.
thank youu
Heads up that the x64 build for Linux is broken, but I can launch the x86 one by hand, and that works fine.
yeah sorry i haven't had a chance to do any testing of the linux builds, i felt obligated to include them but i hope it's working alright!
I've just finished the game after a week of playing through it. It's such a fun game that keeps delivering and giving enjoyment looking around everywhere. Absolute gem.
thank you! glad to hear it!
you made something really cool here, this is top of the aimless garbage beholding experience simulator class. i want to say it feels like it was made for me but that would be cheap, so much spirit obviously went into this and its a very special artifact, more than worth the wait
thank you it means a lot knowing
I got my jar of blood AND the game got made? Holy shit!
Awesome hyperrealistic graphics
possible bug: any time i have encountered a warp or door that leads to a sheep area i am warped to the museum. im also not certain if the infinite piss mask is working, since my piss meter still seems to drain.
this game is an actual masterpiece otherwise!!
do you have the most recent build? i think secret sheep city should be fixed as of yesterday, but if its the most recent one still i'll look into it. not sure what could be going on with the mask but i'll check on that as well before next version i upload
sheep city works now! i just didnt have the most recent build tysm !!
totally, glad to hear it! enjoy the sheep
Such a visual masterpiece! Best $5 dollars I've ever spent!
thank you kindly!
The chaotic space with a large number of colorful tiles installed was one of the most impressive.
Especially in a very large space like the starting point, I was able to feel more chilling and fear-like emotions as various unknown things appeared in my field of vision at once due to the sense of perspective.
My gameplay was terminated due to 3D sickness and frequent error failures in the middle of the game, but I would like to conquer this world someday.
i think i found a bug, I closed the game with 2 of the golden dracula statues found, and when I reopened the game and destroyed a 3rd, the game said I had only destroyed one, and the other statues were still gone.
i'm not sure if this effects the games actual track of the destroyed statues either since idk where all of them are lol, so it may make "reviving dracula" impossible unless all statues are destroyed in one go, or it just means the text box counter resets but the sequence still works. idk
im still not sure exactly what the deal with the draculas is but ill try to figure it out before i post another build later today
i just posted a new build, i tested it by quitting and restarting at various points with diff dracs, and it seems to all work now- if its still giving you trouble let me know, sorry bout thatt
This has been one of my most anticipated games for some time, and it's exceeding my expectations. I'm really enjoying the exploration, atmosphere, and scale.
aw thanks, i'm glad to hear its been a worthwhile heap to crawl about in!!
Got on top ! No surprise tho... Great game nonetheless !
if you can jump/trampoline piss up there's a structure above there, i'll try and put something special up there before i stop working on it
i am in love with this beautiful thing. :)
i am also eartbroken. the door said "secret sheep city" and i ended up in the museum instead. heartbroken. :(
thank you, i know why it's happening i'll try to post a build to fix tomorrow
just posted a new build, i think secret sheep city should work now
Hey, i know you're busting some ass fixing the game and improving it, so i just wanna say that you're doing a fantastic job.
Please don't burn yourself out.
wait why are there so many archeologists now-I'm terrified
thank you, i appreciate it!! also if you are referring to the undermall basement, it may be shocking, but it serves to illustrate the archaeologist lifecycle.. they spontaneously generate from ruins, the lore maestros claim...
This must be studied....
Finally, Crypt Worlds 2: Piss Harder, how I've waited for thee
there is no end to the piss
Game appears to consistently freeze when throwing bombs (currently level 6) in certain regions. I've experienced it so far in the homoculus room, and the section beside it. This, however, may also apply to other crowded regions, of course.
yeah i think this might be the basis of a handful of the errors ive run into, im not really sure what it is since it doesnt return an error in editor or in the logs but i noticed the same with the 'pit' area which had bomb-throwing characters and would inexplicably crash, and i think this might be why. i hadn't been able to find anything consistent about those crashes though so this helps a lot, i'll try and figure out what exactly is at the base of it
i messed with it some, let me know- in crowded rooms it'll probably still have some slowdown but i got crashes to stop on my end at least, so if there's anything causing problems still i'll keep at it. it's a bit weaker- i might boost the damage the bombs do at lower levels although they're still good for clearing lots of small objects
The game indeed no longer freezes. Thanks.
Schrodinger's bug report:
A lot of weird bugs are caused by the arm upgrade. If you're having trouble with esoteric collision glitches, try turning it off.
ill try and figure it out soon, i dont know if im going to post a build today but ill put it on my checklist and let you know when i do
what issues are you experiencing? after playing with it awhile i havent seen anything glitchy with the arms so far, which gives me the impression its probably something weirdly specific. anyway sorry about problems but hopefully can pinpoint it soon
It usually happens with the higher levels.
* Certain area transitions bug out with the arms equipped.
* The extended arms can "grab" conveyor belts and take you with them.
ill try and post another build before the nights out- i managed to fix the first, the player isn't effected by the conveyor belt now, i don't know how i forgot about it but you're not supposed to stick to it, it's only because i'm using a physics-enabled player now.. there's a lot of things in this game i added years ago and just forgot about or only now realize don't play nice with newer things i've added since, so uh sorry about that!!
as far as the area transitions, is it only ones with teleporters? like the UFO or Pit or stuff? if so its probably just cuz the arms makes your characters trigger collider bigger, so the distance you spawn works fine if it's a normal size but not if you are already touching the teleport- if not i'll have to take a closer look, but i'll try to solve for the first part at least.
i went ahead and uploaded new builds, let me know if either of these are still giving you trouble
The game is really, REALLY good! Been absolutely loving it so far, I think this is absolutely a worthy successor to Crypt Worlds!
Although, to offer some constructive criticism/suggestions for QoL features:
1.Being able to level down your items would be really nice, as at a certain point, items like the trampoline and boost become near unusable due to them just sending you flying out of the map. Maybe you could trade away levels in exchange for Gold and/or other resources? I feel like any way of controlling levels would be nice, really.
2.This is a MUCH smaller one compared to the above, but having Run be a toggle instead of a hold would be very nice, especially when using a controller.
You don't have to implement these, but they'd be really nice. Good job on getting this sucker out after all this time, but don't rush yourself with updates!
before i stop on this i will try to add some way to manually change item lvl, apologies
SO much fun, i really love the out-of-bounds warp secrets!! my only issue currently is that certain objects (bodybags especially) create an EXTREMELY loud sound when piss hits them. adding a cooldown timer to object damage sounds would probably fix this. at some points it got so bad my sound fried out for several seconds
OH another thing i ran into-- when pissing on the ancient tulip, it would often send me skyrocketing into the air, with no way to get down. warping to the apartment or using a coffin doesn't reset your velocity, so i would continue flying into a crazy direction for minutes.
the sound should be fixed, i need to figure out how to set a max velocity or something but that shouldnt be too hard, ill try to figure it out before i stop working on it
Leaving the game resets velocity, at least for me, so whenever I get the ancient tulip thing, I just close the game and relaunch it. Hope it helps!
Adoring this game so far. I appreciate the change to the lightning, it makes everything easier to take it while still keeping that distinct visual chaos of Crypt Underworlds. Genuinely, it's beautiful. And all of its mechanics really do add on to the collect-a-thon zen of Crypt Worlds. I'm obsessed. <33
One thing that's happening, 'The Pit' (Dendygar's special place found at the back of the arcade) is consistently crashing for me and I'm unsure why (I load in, can play for a little bit, then crash and force close with no error. Thankfully, I can use a photo before the crash, so no softlock. I love that it auto-saves right before crashing, brilliant work. I'm using the latest CryptUnderworld PC build, running Windows 10 latest update. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080, if any of that helps. ^^;).
Also, yeah, I also can't open the esc menu. I see the cursor flash on the screen but nothing else. Thankfully, ALT+F4 saves and quits just fine.
Does this game produce a crash dump file anywhere that I could send to you?
I can tell this is a really HUGE project, so in the grand scope of things these issues are pretty small taters. You did it! You made a game of this kind of size! I'm proud of ya'll <3
The curse of dendygar has been encountered by a second tormented soul...
i think it should be fixed now
Can confirm: I just tested and it works great!!
And with that, this is now the game of my dreams <3 This games aesthetic is 100% up my alley, I friggin love every nook and cranny of it. \ ' w ' /
aw thanks im glad to hear!
Amazing game. Well worth the wait.
Didn't expect to see a sequel or something to Crypt World here, makes me want to play the first game
Can you please let us turn down some of the sound effects, i think there is a bug where the audio resets every time a sound action is preformed so you get this hellish screeching instead of a smooth loop, otherwise it's a really cool looking game and the atmosphere is interesting
Also I keep crashing at dendygar's paradise :(
these should both be fixed in the latest version
Okay, I will download the latest version then report back.
Dendygar's Paradise works now, thank you!
I'd like to report a crash on Linux, but can't really tell what caused it. Are there log files or dumps or something I could send you?
First off, THIS GAME IS SO GODDAMN AMAZING. Unfathomable amounts of content and level space for something that's free, and all the secrets and jokes in the game are fantastic. I've played through a majority of the entire game and I've finished it, I've gotten to Omphalos and gotten the infinite piss mask.
I do have some complaints though, my biggest one being that it is WAY TOO EASY TO GET SENT OUT OF BOUNDS. I'm chilling in the arcade level and this hat-wearing worm thing throws some bombs at me AND I IMMEDIATELY GO FUCKIN FLYING OUT INTO SPACE, which of course, is mildly frustrating at best, but with the way the game works, it's worse than it should be. In short, I don't entirely mind getting thrown out of the map, but the consequences are massive. First off, your progress in that level is forfeit. Unless you can somehow use the trampoline and the boost to put yourself back within the level bounds at a speed low enough that you don't just go through the floor, you will have to be transported to a different level. Secondly, and most frustratingly, your momentum gets saved when you transfer levels, SO EVEN IF YOU GO TO ANOTHER LEVEL, YOU'RE JUST GONNA GET SENT RIGHT BACK OUT OF BOUNDS AGAIN, which is extremely frustrating. This can really fuck with you when you're transported to the 'Below Water' level, since the water plane that covers the level is so thin that it's extremely easy to fall right through it. This has happened to me on numerous occasions, and while it's not a complete softlock, it's really frustrating to deal with. If you could fix this, I PROMISE YOU I WILL PLAY THE ENTIRE GAME AGAIN, BECAUSE I LOVE THIS GAME.
Side note: It fuckin hurt to read that "you won the game" sign cause I haven't found everything yet! The infinite piss mask is a giant reward though, that's so awesome.
ost when?
you're welcome to ask riley to post it, i know some of the tracks are posted here: https://soundcloud.com/esper99/sets/crypt-underworld
played version 1 (of the final update) until i glitched through the floor. Love it. gonna finish it soon. Thanks for the updates!
Me when i realized she lives
So excited to play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cant open the game on mac... 13.2.1
I had the same problem, this video shows you how to fix it!
Amazing game, good style
YOOOOO It's finally here!!!!
I've tried to play the game, but currently I'm noticing differences between mine and other people's playthroughs- and it seems the menu is bugged, and refuses to open. Also, it seems like there's no lighting in the game. I recently saw a video from a while ago of a youtuber playing the game, and there was extremely atmospheric lighting- however I do not have any lighting on my end at all. I don't know exactly what to do to fix that- Any advice? From what I've seen of it, it looks like a very good game!
this version only got posted yesterday. if you see any streams or videos of it its a much earlier version that was part of a donation pack i think. Lilith mentioned on twitter that lighting is disabled right now because of optimization.
Here's an example. I really hope the lighting comes back. Those gooey normal maps must be savored.
Absolutely loving the game so far, I've played for 6+ hours. Main glitches I've found so far that I don't see in the comments:
-Permanently stuck now so that if I put on the torso item from the locked 75 key room next door to my apartment it starts continuously producing piss homunculi. Unequipping doesn't stop this, only reloading the game does (which unequips the item). It didn't start until after I found the secret treasure room across from floor 100. It's pretty funny but also usually causes the game to crash from rapid secretion of pissbabies :(
-Idk if tears/relics/piss upgrades/wallet upgrades are supposed to respawn each day (as in they respawn in the places you can collect them from like the locked security room on floor 100). If they are, then ignore this. Otherwise note that they regen every day cycle so I can just keep collecting them.
-Can't figure out if I'm supposed to have a way to save quests/keep them visible on the inventory page. I'll get what I think is a quest (like the drac 5 golden statues one) and see it on my inventory page for like a few minutes, but the moment I click on something else it disappears from the inventory screen.
Please let me know if there is a better way to contact you about bugs (I'm tech inept and just aware of this itch page as a place to comment cause I don't have twitter), and please don't take this as in any way I'm saying the game is bad because of these things. I adore it.
Items that produce the green hand sign, but I can't interact with:
-black die near the toy store
-egg in the dark lounge.
Items that produce the yellow piss symbol, but pissing does nothing to:
-Shiny portal thing in the ground next to the mainframes (on the base area of the apartments, but the highest point of the area)
-Coffee machines
I didn't include NPCs without dialogue because you said that a bunch were left in accidentally. But if you ever patch all that I'll go back to check all the ones I can.
hi! im glad to hear youre enjoying it!
-the egg and coffee machine just dont do anything yet but the dice should be tagged correctly now
-the shiny portal thing also i need to add an event to but does nothing yet
-havent figured out what the deal with the torso is yet
-the quest system basically just tells you the current 'rumor' configuration that day, every day it resets and there's a new rumor. the game day is in 12 hours, and after that it just moves forward a day and the stuff reloads. stuff like the golden draculas doesnt get logged anywhere.
-a lot of stuff does just regen, usually relics and equipment don't but there are several relics that do respawn, so if you have any specific instances you're unsure about feel free to send them my way
i just uploaded a new windows build and will put up other os builds before sleep, let me know if youre still having trouble with some of this, i think some of this stuff should be fixed, a lot of other random things are so lemme know
if you have more bugs you can send them to rusalkamask@gmail.com
most of the stuff other than just places i need to add stuff should be fixed now, equipment that wasnt supposed to respawn was doing it some places, also several items gave you ridiculous amounts of piss by accident and the way the torso works, every time you consume something it adds to a variable and once its over 100 it spawns a baby cryptguy and subtracts 100, so if it ended up being like 100,000 piss it would just keep spawning them, there might be a few items still that do this but mostly seems cleared up altho you still might need to start a new save if they're still spawning. ill keep an eye out for more but ive solved most of these bugs at least in the latest build
Genuinely thank you so much. Will get to it tomorrow!!!
i am happy beyond words to be playing it at long last. SO SO GOOD!!!
Also I'm really enjoying the game so far. My friends are terrified of me now.
Is the infinite piss glitch in the piss maniac guild supposed to be there? I have so much piss now my game lags.
oh what is the glitch? i havent noticed but im not against infinite piss glitches necessarily
Yeaaah I just discovered that too. I got level 63 piss and my game lags super bad.
in the piss maniac guild, if you piss against a specific spot behind the first toilet, the text freaks out and the piss upgrades just- stays there. You can just sit there and spam click the upgrade untill it stops responding, go out of the room, come back in, and do it again.
My piss level is 128 and it hits like a shotgun.
Oh also I've been having issues where some npcs don't have dialog, but I didn't know if that was intentional.
yeah some npcs i just flat out forgot about lol, i'm trying to go over it more scene-by-scene and touch up that stuff so hopefully i'll have more to show soon.
i theoretically like the idea of the infinite piss glitch but yeah the inability to scale it down mixed with the lag seems unfortunate, i've had mixed feelings because having a level cap of like 10 or something would feel like such a let-down but in practice higher lvls can make the game get rly sluggish, idk i guess perfect dark got away with it but i've been unsure what the best option with this sort of thing is
Honestly, maybe a level cap would be good but It's also fun to have the chance to have 128 level shot gun piss.
I dunno if it would be possible, but maybe you could make a piss level cap optional?
I love the what you've done so far with the npcs btw, my favorite is the pair that shares of a love of murder and snacks.
If there was any way to make it so you could choose what number certain things were capped at, or where you could be able to lose levels if it got to be too extreme, that would be good. Sacrificed enough relics to make my skirt level 6 but now it's fairly unusable because I'll just clip out of the ceiling sometimes. So it's not just a piss issue.
the best ever to do it
Bliss ....