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I was super depressed when this game released, I locked myself in my room for 3 days straight and basically lived in this game during that time. It was an amazing experience, and I wish I could experience it for the first time again. Theres a part of me that wishes this game was like 3x longer than it is, but I know thats unrealistic. But thats where I'm at :) I love this game to bits!! Its an absolutely amazing game.

A few suggestions tho:
some way to stop velocity, when  flying away uncontrollably i cant stopp :(

more dialog, conversations/ more stuff about friendships with things, i get a really warm good feeling from this game and the characters in it and i just wanna be able to exchange like 3-4 sentences whenever a new development happens

something to maintain, like plants??? i wanna water plants and like.. vaccuum or uh.. idk i want something repeatable like that

sit/relax on stuff like other characters do, i cant sit in any of my furniture D:

more music would be great! there are some repeat tracks

day night cycle? days do end but we dont see the night time happen. so what if it got dark and THEN you could sleep, but if you stay up too late you just sleep anyways. then you could show street lights and night time creatures and stuff.. glow in the dark thingies idk

more customization. i wanna engage in the cultures of the things around me by decorating not just my apartment, but myself as well :)

this is my goty 2023 and onwards, i love it love it soso much, you are a huge inspiration to me and have been for so many years. Keep up the great stuff :))

crypt worlds holds a special place in my heart and so does this

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